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Prime Cut Twarda 18

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Prime Cut Twarda 18

Table reservation
nearest free hours today:

  • Twarda 18
    00-105 Warszawa
  • Directions
  • Open today: 16:00 - 00:00
  • Monday: 12:00 - 23:00
  • Tuesday: 12:00 - 23:00
  • Wednesday: 12:00 - 23:00
  • Thursday: 12:00 - 23:00
  • Friday: 12:00 - 00:00
  • Saturday: 16:00 - 00:00
  • Sunday: 16:00 - 22:00
Typ lokalu
Restaurant Winery
Rodzaje kuchni
Card payment Vegetarian Meals Lunch Facilities for the disabled Alcohol Wi-fi Unique interiors Central location Parking on the street Intimate Atmosphere Romantic atmosphere Suitable for large groups (8+ people)
Typy posiłków
Supper Dinner

About Prime Cut Twarda 18

Restauracja Prime Cut to nowatorski steak house łączący w sobie nowojorską klasykę z elementami kuchni europejskiej. Koncept powstał z pasji do prostych, ale przyrządzanych z najlepszej jakości produktów dań, które są gwarancją dobrego smaku. Najlepsze steki, świeże owoce morza i sezonowe warzywa przygotowywane są pod czujnym okiem Patryka Robaka - szefa kuchni, który znany jest z dbałości o każdy szczegół swoich dań i zdrowe podejście do kuchni. Restauracja posiada też własną piekarnię, gdzie na miejscu wypiekane jest pieczywo, a o słodką stronę menu dba wielokrotnie nagradzany cukiernik. Bogata karta wyselekcjonowanych win i koktajli zachwyci niejednego konesera, a elegancki lecz niezobowiązujący wystrój wzorowany na nowojorskich lokalach sprawi, że poczujemy się jak na Manhattanie.

Zjedz.my customer reviews

90 Wszystkie komentarze

To add a review, you must complete at least one reservation

Cezar Cichocki
6 hours ago on company Prime Cut Twarda 18

Bardzo gustowna restauracja, wyśmienite steki! Bardzo sympatyczna obsługa kelnerska. Doskonałe miejsce na spotkania biznesowe oraz uroczystości rodzinne.

Bardzo gustowna restauracja, wyśmienite steki! Bardzo sympatyczna obsługa kelnerska. Doskonałe miejsce na spotkania biznesowe oraz uroczystości rodzinne.

Chido Mabanda
2 days ago on company Prime Cut Twarda 18

Great atmosphere, great staff and amazing food

Great atmosphere, great staff and amazing food

Raman Kazachenka
1 week ago on company Prime Cut Twarda 18

Amazing atmosphere in the restaurant, very tasty steaks, excellent service.

Amazing atmosphere in the restaurant, very tasty steaks, excellent service.

Wojciech Zukowski
1 week ago on company Prime Cut Twarda 18

Polecam !

Polecam !

Anna Stewart
2 weeks ago on company Prime Cut Twarda 18

We visited Prime Cut for the last night on our holiday, and wow what a memorable meal it was! The food, drinks and service were all amazing. We had pierogi and soup to start followed by two of the Wet Aged Selection Steaks, which were cooked to complete perfection and completely to die for. Our waiter, Pawel S, was so friendly, welcoming and attentive. We enjoyed a really nice conversation about our holiday and what it’s like back home in Liverpool. He’d always make sure that our wine glasses were topped up and that we had everything we needed. He also very kindly took a polaroid photo for us 🥰 We cannot recommend Prime Cut more, and thank you again to Pawel S!!!

We visited Prime Cut for the last night on our holiday, and wow what a memorable meal it was! The food, drinks and service were all amazing. We had pierogi and soup to start followed by two of the Wet Aged Selection Steaks, which were cooked to complete perfection and completely to die for. Our waiter, Pawel S, was so friendly, welcoming and attentive. We enjoyed a really nice conversation about our holiday and what it’s like back home in Liverpool. He’d always make sure that our wine glasses were topped up and that we had everything we needed. He also very kindly took a polaroid photo for us 🥰 We cannot recommend Prime Cut more, and thank you again to Pawel S!!!