Złota Iskra Restobar
00-514 Warszawa
- Monday: 14:00 - 02:00
- Tuesday: 14:00 - 02:00
- Wednesday: 14:00 - 02:00
- Thursday: 14:00 - 02:00
- Friday: 14:00 - 04:00
- Saturday: 14:00 - 04:00
- Sunday: 14:00 - 04:00
Złota Iskra Restobar
Wyśmienite dania przyrządzane na węglach,autorskie drinki,shisha,muzyka na żywo i DJ✨
Pewnego wieczoru, obserwując zachód słońca w jednym z dużych miast, zauważyli, jak ostatnie promienie światła odbijają się od miejskich świateł, przypominając małe iskry, które napełniają miasto energią. To uczucie – mała iskra, która roznieca wielki płomień inspiracji – stało się ideą ich własnego projektu.
Złota Iskra ma symbolizować tę energię, która tętni w każdym zakątku miasta, oraz momenty, które rozświetlają życie, jak błysk ognia w ciemnościach.
marinated mushrooms, egg yolk botarga, pecorino Romano
garlic, chili, white wine, toasted homemade bread
caramelized walnut, honey
cheese balls with chili, fries with parmesan and truffle oil, ketchup, BBQ sauces
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 1 month ago
Orange, pickled pumpkin, quinoa, pomegranate dressing, roasted sunflower seeds,
cherry tomatoes
caesar dressing
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 1 month ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 1 month ago
carrots, Italian cabbage chips
buerre blanc with red caviar
pickled, baby romaine lettuce, vegan cheddar, raspberry tomato, fries with olive oil
raspberry, bbq mississipi, potato pancakes, fries with parmesan and truffle oil
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 1 month ago
baby romaine lettuce
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 1 month ago
buckwheat, marinated sea buckthorn
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 1 month ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 2 months ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 2 months ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 2 months ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 2 months ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 2 months ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 2 months ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 2 months ago
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