Yummy Punjaby Indian Restaurant

61-812 Poznań
- Monday: 12:00 - 22:00
- Tuesday: 12:00 - 22:00
- Wednesday: 12:00 - 22:00
- Thursday: 12:00 - 22:00
- Friday: 12:00 - 22:00
- Saturday: 12:00 - 22:00
- Sunday: 12:00 - 22:00

Yummy Punjaby Indian Restaurant
Restauracja Yummy Punjaby zaprasza na ucztę pełną smaków i aromatów.

About us
🍝 Rzeczywiście, niektóre potrawy powodują wewnątrz "ogień". Indianie uważają ten efekt za bardzo korzystny dla zdrowia. Aby zgasić nadmierną ostrość, jedzenie jest popijane Lassi-kwaśnym napojem mlecznym na bazie jogurtu.
👉My w Yummy Punjaby nie gotujemy zbyt pikantnych potraw,🍝 ale Lassi zawsze będzie przy okazji na tradycyjnym indyjskim stole🍹. W naszym menu znajdziesz Lassi tropikalną z mango, Rose i czekolada 😋🌹
Zapraszamy !!
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Last update: 1 year ago

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Last update: 1 year ago

This translation was done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and bizarre phrases in it, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offerings nonetheless.
Last update: 1 year ago
This translation was done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and bizarre phrases in it, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offerings nonetheless.
Last update: 1 year ago

This translation was done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and bizarre phrases in it, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offerings nonetheless.
Last update: 1 year ago
This translation was done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and bizarre phrases in it, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offerings nonetheless.
Last update: 1 year ago
This translation was done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and bizarre phrases in it, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offerings nonetheless.
Last update: 1 year ago

This translation was done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and bizarre phrases in it, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offerings nonetheless.
Last update: 1 year ago
This translation was done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and bizarre phrases in it, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offerings nonetheless.
Last update: 1 year ago
This translation was done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and bizarre phrases in it, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offerings nonetheless.
Last update: 1 year ago

This translation was done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and bizarre phrases in it, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offerings nonetheless.
Last update: 1 year ago

This translation was done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and bizarre phrases in it, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offerings nonetheless.
Last update: 1 year ago

This translation was done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and bizarre phrases in it, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offerings nonetheless.
Last update: 1 year ago

This translation was done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and bizarre phrases in it, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offerings nonetheless.
Last update: 1 year ago
This translation was done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and bizarre phrases in it, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offerings nonetheless.
Last update: 1 year ago

This translation was done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and bizarre phrases in it, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offerings nonetheless.
Last update: 1 year ago
Zjedz.my customer reviews
3To add reviews, you must complete a minimum of one booking

Michał Waszak
9 months ago
about the restaurant Yummy Punjaby Indian Restaurant
Bardzo przyjemne miejsce. Jeśli ktoś lubi pełne smaku jedzenie to gorąco polecam!
Bardzo przyjemne miejsce. Jeśli ktoś lubi pełne smaku jedzenie to gorąco polecam!
Prosto i skuteczni
Karolina Kowalska
1 month ago
about the restaurant Yummy Punjaby Indian Restaurant
everything went great! :)
everything went great! :)