Stradomska 12 Kraków
Table reservation
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Stradomska 12
31-069 Kraków
31-069 Kraków
Closed ·
opening: 17:00
- Monday: Closed
- Tuesday: Closed
- Wednesday: 17:00 - 22:00
- Thursday: 17:00 - 22:00
- Friday: 17:00 - 23:00
- Saturday: 17:00 - 23:00
- Sunday: 12:00 - 20:00
Typ lokalu
Rodzaje kuchni
Card payment
Vegetarian Meals
Facilities for the disabled
Parking on the street
Unique interiors
Central location
Pets are welcome
Intimate Atmosphere
Own parking lot
Romantic atmosphere
Typy posiłków
Stradomska 12 Kraków
Nowoczesna kuchnia polska | Modern Polish cuisine
Nasze menu odświeża słynne dania kuchni polskiej. Łączymy tradycyjne przepisy z nowymi trendami pod okiem Roberta Panka, szefa kuchni z wieloletnim stażem w cenionych restauracjach Londynu. Proponujemy też szeroką selekcję lokalnych win - białych, czerwonych i musujących, a także kilka mocnych, polskich trunków. Kameralne, pełne eleganckich detali wnętrze posiada 30 miejsc, gdzie goście zasiadają w otoczeniu prac Doroty Buczkowskiej oraz Itamara Gilboa, które należą do kolekcji sztuki współczesnej Stradom House.
Our menu refreshes famous Polish cuisine. We combine traditional recipes with new trends under the guidance of Robert Panek, a chef with many years of experience in esteemed London restaurants. We also offer a wide selection of local wines - white, red and sparkling - as well as some strong Polish spirits. The intimate interior, full of elegant details, has a seating capacity of 30, where guests sit surrounded by works by Dorota Buczkowska and Itamar Gilboa, which are part of the Stradom House contemporary art collection.
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Our menu refreshes famous Polish cuisine. We combine traditional recipes with new trends under the guidance of Robert Panek, a chef with many years of experience in esteemed London restaurants. We also offer a wide selection of local wines - white, red and sparkling - as well as some strong Polish spirits. The intimate interior, full of elegant details, has a seating capacity of 30, where guests sit surrounded by works by Dorota Buczkowska and Itamar Gilboa, which are part of the Stradom House contemporary art collection.
Zjedz.my customer reviews
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Jonas Kreyer
8 hours ago
on company Stradomska 12 Kraków
Alles bestens, gerne wieder!
Alles bestens, gerne wieder!