Fish-ka Sołacz
60-616 Poznań
- Monday: Closed
- Tuesday: 12:00 - 22:00
- Wednesday: 12:00 - 22:00
- Thursday: 12:00 - 22:00
- Friday: 12:00 - 23:00
- Saturday: 12:00 - 23:00
- Sunday: 12:00 - 22:00
Fish-ka Sołacz
Pyszne jedzenie w wyjątkowej atmosferze
Jeśli Państwo podobnie jak my są zmęczeni wszechobecnym hałasem, to docenicie lokalizację wyjątkową na mapie Poznania – bo każdy wie, że Sołacz taki jest. Piękny i spokojny, staramy się więc tego spokoju nie zaburzać, sącząc z głośników muzykę i nie nadużywając uprzejmości sąsiadów. Wierzymy, że nasz lokal będzie Państwu po drodze – w drodze na smaczną rybę. A że ryby lubią pływać – bynajmniej nie w mocnych alkoholach, to nasz wybór win zadba o to, by ryby miały godne towarzystwo.
Oczywiście o gości, którym nie w smak rybne dania, też zadbamy – zapraszamy do zapoznania się z naszym menu.
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 8 months ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 8 months ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 8 months ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 8 months ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 8 months ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 8 months ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 8 months ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 8 months ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 8 months ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 8 months ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 8 months ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 8 months ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 8 months ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 8 months ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 8 months ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 8 months ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 8 months ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 8 months ago customer reviews
4To add a review, you must complete at least one reservation
4 months ago
on company Fish-ka Sołacz
Fish-ka Sołacz jest mi znana od dawna. Z miłą przyjemnością przychodzę tam na rybę. Może nie tak często jakbym chciał. Małe zastrzeżenie do obsługi, trzeba się zwrócić osobiście aby być szybciej obsłużonym. Byłoby miło gdyby szybciej/częściej podchodzili sami.
Fish-ka Sołacz jest mi znana od dawna. Z miłą przyjemnością przychodzę tam na rybę. Może nie tak często jakbym chciał. Małe zastrzeżenie do obsługi, trzeba się zwrócić osobiście aby być szybciej obsłużonym. Byłoby miło gdyby szybciej/częściej podchodzili sami.
Dariusz Kornobis
9 months ago
on company Fish-ka Sołacz
Bardzo miła pani mi odmówiła, bo ze względu na termin 8 marca nie było już miejsc. Ale rozmowa była tak miła, że zarezerwuję w innym terminie.
Bardzo miła pani mi odmówiła, bo ze względu na termin 8 marca nie było już miejsc. Ale rozmowa była tak miła, że zarezerwuję w innym terminie.
Krzysztof Adamski
10 months ago
on company Fish-ka Sołacz
Piotr Stróżyk
4 months ago
on company Fish-ka Sołacz
Bardzo dobre gazpacho i pyszny pstrąg łososiowy. Polecam.
Bardzo dobre gazpacho i pyszny pstrąg łososiowy. Polecam.