Arriva Tapas & Pintxos
33-332 Kraków
- Monday: 12:00 - 21:00
- Tuesday: 12:00 - 23:00
- Wednesday: 12:00 - 23:00
- Thursday: 12:00 - 23:00
- Friday: 12:00 - 23:00
- Saturday: 12:00 - 23:00
- Sunday: 12:00 - 21:00
Arriva Tapas & Pintxos
Zabierzemy Cię w podróż do Hiszpanii tam i z powrotem
Jesteśmy przekonani, że jedno to samo danie można zrobić na ultum różnych sposobów i to co my serwujemy naszym gościom jest tylko jedna z możliwych dróg. Nie ograniczamy się klasycznymi przepisami oraz nie zawężamy siebie w ramki tylko jednego regionu Hiszpanii. Łączymy współczesne podejścia w gastronomii i trendy kulinarne z klasycznymi i domowymi przepisami dań, tym samym pokazując nową odsłonę tradycji. Jesteśmy zdania, że tortilla może być jak z cebulą, tak i bez a Sangriaja może być jak słodka tak i wytrawna... kto wie, ten wie ;)"
with egg yolk, red beans, fresh shallots, roasted chorizo and fresh chives
confit and marinated onion
and veggies
fillet orange and seasonal veggies
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 1 month ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 2 months ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 1 month ago
and padron pepper
sous vide on puree with sweet potato and root vegetables
calamari and fish
grilled aubergine and zucchini
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 1 month ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 1 month ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 1 month ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 2 months ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 2 months ago customer reviews
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