Restauracja Niedźwiadek
Ustrzyki Dolne
- Monday: 09:00 - 21:30
- Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:30
- Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:30
- Thursday: 09:00 - 21:30
- Friday: 09:00 - 21:30
- Saturday: 09:00 - 21:30
- Sunday: 09:00 - 21:30
W sezonie letnim zapraszamy na śniadania od godz.9:00 do 11:00 stacjonarnie w naszym lokalu.
Serdecznie zapraszamy!
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 3 weeks ago
Sample photo
An example photo of a dish served in our restaurant.
An example photo of a dish served in our restaurant.
An example photo of a dish served in our restaurant.
An example photo of a dish served in our restaurant
An example photo of a dish served in our restaurant
An example photo of a dish served in our restaurant.
An example photo of a dish served in our restaurant
An example photo of a dish served in our restaurant
An example photo of a dish served in our restaurant.
An example photo of a dish served in our restaurant.
An example photo of a dish served in our restaurant.
An example photo of a dish served in our restaurant.
Small Ukrainian dumplings
An example photo of a dish served in our restaurant.
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 3 weeks ago
Photo of a dish served in our restaurant
Photo of the dish served at the restaurant.
Photo of the dish served at the restaurant.
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 4 months ago
with mascarpone, garlic, basil and a little blue cheese/
The photo shows a dish served in a restaurant.
The photo shows a dish served in a restaurant.
The photo shows a dish served in a restaurant.
The photo shows a dish served in a restaurant.
The photo shows a dish served in a restaurant.
roasted onion, pickled red onion, homemade sauce
An example photo of a dish served in our restaurant.
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 3 weeks ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 4 months ago
roasted onion, pickled red onion, homemade sauce
An example photo of a dish served in our restaurant.
An example photo of a dish served in our restaurant.
roasted onion, pickled red onion, homemade sauce
An example photo of a dish served in our restaurant.
pickles, hot peppers, red onion jam, homemade sauce
An example photo of a dish served in our restaurant.
roasted onion, pickled red onion, homemade sauce
An example photo of a dish served in our restaurant.
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 8 months ago
One cake pan makes about 12-15 servings
One cake pan makes about 12-15 servings
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 2 weeks ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 3 weeks ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 3 weeks ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 3 weeks ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 8 months ago
These translations were done automatically using 🤖 machine learning and 🧠 neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 3 weeks ago
To add a review, you must complete at least one reservation
Kazimierz Bałos
2 years ago
on company Restauracja Niedźwiadek
Pyszne jedzenie - pstrąg, kotlet schabowy, gulasz, zupa minestrone. Również wielkie i smaczne desery - szarlotka z lodami i bitą śmietaną. Polecam :)
Pyszne jedzenie - pstrąg, kotlet schabowy, gulasz, zupa minestrone. Również wielkie i smaczne desery - szarlotka z lodami i bitą śmietaną. Polecam :)
Restauracja Niedźwiadek
In response to the opinion
Miód na nasze serca :) Dziękujemy
Miód na nasze serca :) Dziękujemy
Patryk Kotliński
2 years ago
on company Restauracja Niedźwiadek
Restauracja Niedźwiadek
In response to the opinion
Anna Hycnar
3 years ago
on company Restauracja Niedźwiadek
Jak jesteśmy w Ustrzykach Dolny to zawsze stołujemy się w Niedzwiadku lub zamiawiamy jedze na wynos. Jedzenie zawsze smaczne i świeże. Słodkości pycha.
Jak jesteśmy w Ustrzykach Dolny to zawsze stołujemy się w Niedzwiadku lub zamiawiamy jedze na wynos. Jedzenie zawsze smaczne i świeże. Słodkości pycha.
Restauracja Niedźwiadek
In response to the opinion
Dziękujemy bardzo za miłe słowa, takie komentarze dodają nam sił i umacniają w przekonaniu , że to co robimy ma sens. Serdecznie pozdrawiamy :)
Dziękujemy bardzo za miłe słowa, takie komentarze dodają nam sił i umacniają w przekonaniu , że to co robimy ma sens. Serdecznie pozdrawiamy :)
Angelika Pietruszewska
3 years ago
on company Restauracja Niedźwiadek
Szybka i mila obsługa. Polecam jedzenie! Napewno wrócimy!
Szybka i mila obsługa. Polecam jedzenie! Napewno wrócimy!
Restauracja Niedźwiadek
In response to the opinion
Bardzo dziękujemy :)
Bardzo dziękujemy :)
Katarzyna jesiotr
2 years ago
on company Restauracja Niedźwiadek
Wszystko ok pyszne dania dostarczone przed czasem . Świetny smak dobre porcje
Wszystko ok pyszne dania dostarczone przed czasem . Świetny smak dobre porcje
Restauracja Niedźwiadek
In response to the opinion
Pani Katarzyno. Dziękujemy bardzo za ten komentarz. Dania z dostawą, przy pełnym obłożeniu lokalu są zawsze wyzwaniem dla restauracji. Tym bardziej cieszymy się, że smakują i są dostarczone na czas. Serdecznie pozdrawiamy :)
Pani Katarzyno. Dziękujemy bardzo za ten komentarz. Dania z dostawą, przy pełnym obłożeniu lokalu są zawsze wyzwaniem dla restauracji. Tym bardziej cieszymy się, że smakują i są dostarczone na czas. Serdecznie pozdrawiamy :)