Zielona oaza w centrum stolicy.
Poznajcie QUFEL! Jest to caลkowicie NOWY LOKAL na ลwiฤtokrzyskiej 14. Miejsce stworzone dla Was ze wspaniaลym jedzeniem i ogromnฤ kartฤ drinkรณw i piw rรณลผnego rodzaju do wyboru. Burgery rozpieszczajฤ ce podniebienie, pizza oraz autorskie koktajle.
These translations were done automatically using ๐ค machine learning and ๐ง neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 2 weeks ago
These translations were done automatically using ๐ค machine learning and ๐ง neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 2 weeks ago
These translations were done automatically using ๐ค machine learning and ๐ง neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 2 weeks ago
Last update: 2 weeks ago
These translations were done automatically using ๐ค machine learning and ๐ง neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 2 weeks ago
These translations were done automatically using ๐ค machine learning and ๐ง neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 2 weeks ago
These translations were done automatically using ๐ค machine learning and ๐ง neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 2 weeks ago
Last update: 2 weeks ago
Last update: 2 weeks ago
These translations were done automatically using ๐ค machine learning and ๐ง neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 2 weeks ago
These translations were done automatically using ๐ค machine learning and ๐ง neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 5 months ago
These translations were done automatically using ๐ค machine learning and ๐ง neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 5 months ago
These translations were done automatically using ๐ค machine learning and ๐ง neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 5 months ago
These translations were done automatically using ๐ค machine learning and ๐ง neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 5 months ago
These translations were done automatically using ๐ค machine learning and ๐ง neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 5 months ago
These translations were done automatically using ๐ค machine learning and ๐ง neural networks. You may find errors and odd phrases in them, but we hope you'll get an idea of the offer nonetheless.
Last update: 5 months ago
ลwiฤtokrzyska 14
00-050 Warszawa
All good
Super. Bardzo fajna atmosfera, miลa muzyka, fajna obsลuga, pyszne jedzenie. Super miejsce na spotkanie ze znajomymi
Fajne miejsce, na pewno tam wrรณcimy
Wszystko ok
Pyszne jedzenie, przemiลa obsลuga i przyjemny wystrรณj. Lokalizacja ลwietna do rozpoczฤcia wieczoru;)